Research :
a. Coroado Project
Geomatic in association with other 12 partners undertook the Coroado Project. The overall Objective of the project is to assess the potential of various water recycling and reuse technologies for Latin America, quantify the actual needs, benefits and costs of those technologies, evaluate their social acceptance, and provide affordable, efficient and effective solutions for water supply and sanitation in rural and agricultural areas in the context of climate change and water scarcity mitigation. Emphasis was given to address the complexity between technological options and societal needs, through applying an ecosystem approach in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) frameworks and building a methodology embedding a knowledge base and a toolbox for enhancing the capacity for adaptive governance and management in the area. This approach may lead in presenting technology developments that integrate engineering, physical, and ecological sciences, while at the same time integrating the water reuse and recycling infrastructure. In this context, such issues will be compiled into a web based toolbox that will show-case best practice and models that can be applied in a variety of environmental and socio-economic conditions within the Latin American region.
b. Digital Tourist Guide
Geomatic in cooperation with IMH and the University of Cyprus have taken over the development of a digital satellite tourist guide, which will use a personal GPS navigator of interactive tour / browser.
The development of digital tourist guide is part of the “Framework of Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2009-2010” of the Research Promotion Foundation and is sponsored by the Republic of Cyprus and the European Regional Development Fund of the EU.
The proposed system is an innovative product for the data of Cyprus, since via high-tech services it enables the visitors of the country to come into contact with the cultural, historical and religious culture of Cyprus and to get to know areas of tourist interest.
c. Ministry of Commerce Industry & Tourism – Reseach Promotion Foundation
Within the utilization framework of energy crops in Cyprus from the Energy Service of the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Tourism, Geomatic has undertaken in cooperation with “RTD Talos Ltd” and “NPRO Engineering” «the investigation of Resources Utilization of energy crops with the use of Geographical Information Systems – (G.I.S.) in the framework of the Research Promotion Foundation (R.P.F) for Research and Technological Development»
The following were provided and developed for the project:
• The prompt areas for cultivation of energy crops.
• The national urban and provincial network of Nicosia District
• The Urban Road Network (addresses) Nicosia
• Points of general interest
• Hydrographical network.
• Administrative division: province – cities – communities
d. Firewatch
Geomatic has undertaken in cooperation with University of Cyprus and the Computer Science Dept «the investigation of suburban areas and the actions should take place if a fire is detected with the use of Geographical Information Systems – (G.I.S.) in the framework of the Research Promotion Foundation (R.P.F) for Research and Technological Development».
e. ASG Group RTD Talos – Research Promotion Foundation
In collaboration with the group of companies ASG GROUP (Andy Spyrou Group) and the Development Organisation RTD TALOS, T.C. Geomatic Ltd has undertaken
«The development of a software and the integration of Geomatic’s digital map database of Nicosia district, for the implementation of the “Public services programme Park & Ride” model, under the Research Promotion Foundation (R.P.F) program for Research and Technological Development».
f. Definition of the Potential Energy Crops in Cyprus - Research Promotion Foundation
As part of the research proposal a comprehensive investigation of potential promotion and utilization of energy crops in Cyprus for biofuel production was conducted.
Through the use of advanced GIS applications, and the integration of data such as the existing land use, the altitude and the slope of the surface, the water potential and the soil quality, as well as the crop rotation and fallow, the areas in Cyprus that under conditions could be used for growing energy crops were quantified and geographically identified.